
Lost and Found [Spain x Reader]

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

~Antonio's P.O.V.~

Antonio swiftly made his way back to his bed chambers, shaking his head angrily.  He had just walked out on yet another pointless argument with his father.  Unable to hold himself back, he kicked at a bucket that one of the palace servants had left in the corridor.  Why can't he just stop being so stubborn? he thought.  He threw the door to his room open, unaware of the person hurriedly trying to catch up to him.  When he turned to slam it shut , he stopped himself upon seeing the young man standing outside of the doorway.

"Can I help you?" he asked, irritably.

"I, um, I came to see if you still wanted me to make the preparations you had ordered earlier, your majesty," the young man answered quickly.  Antonio rolled his eyes.

"No, I do not.  Olvídalo," he replied curtly, shutting his door with more force than necessary.  He immediately crossed the room and sat down heavily on his bed, rubbing his temples.  His father's shouting was still ringing in his ears.

--Begin Flashback--

"No, Antonio, my answer is the same as it has been, and as it shall always be."  The king distantly stared out of a window as his son began to protest.

"But father, why?  Why must I be doomed to this place?  My heart yearns for an adventure; to explore the vast lands of this kingdom!"

"Mi hijo, you can explore your kingdom anytime you-"

"Off of the family grounds."

"I have forbidden it, Antonio!"

"Sire, it is unfair for you to keep me here when there are greater things awaiting me elsewhere!"  His father turned to look at him, eyes flashing angrily.

"Unfair, is it?  You are my only son, and the only heir to the throne of España!  You have never known pain, or sadness, and have never been subjected to the cruelty of the outside world!"  There was a slight sadness in his eyes when he said, "Why would you want to give that up?"

"Usted no me puede proteger para siempre," Antonio answered quietly.  His father walked over to him, and clapped him on the shoulder.

"That may be true, but you are a Carriedo.  And as long as I'm alive, mi hijo, I will protect you at all costs."

--End Flashback--

His hands fell and hit the fabric of his bed in his frustration.  He didn't know what else he could do.  Antonio leaned back and let himself fall completely until he was lying down on his back, staring up at the ceiling.  I'm not a niño, anymore!  He can't just keep me here! he told himself.  What could be so bad out there?  We deal with reports of the injustices everyday!  The daily drunkards, thefts, even the murders.  I've seen it all!  Once he had calmed, he sat back up and sighed, running a hand through his brown hair.

"Estoy tan aburrido," he told no one.  He looked around for a moment before gaining a mischievous look in his bright, green eyes.  One of the perks of being a Spaniard was that their naturally carefree and easygoing nature didn't allow them to brood on the past for very long.  "I know!  I'll go see what Lovi's up to!" he said happily, opening his door again, and striding out.

He walked down to the kitchen, returning the polite greetings he received from the staff that he happen to pass on his way.  Soon, the delicious smells wafting from kitchen met his nostrils and he smiled to himself.  Man, Lovi's become an impressive cook!  Antonio pushed open the door to the large room, and immediately set to locating the cook and his latest culinary masterpiece.  It wasn't long before he found Lovi stirring a large pot on the other side of the room.

"Hola, Lovi!" he called, walking over to the surprised Italian.  

"Get out of my kitchen, you tomato-loving bastard," the young man shot back.  Antonio smiled at his cousin.  He was young, with brown hair that was lighter than Antonio's own.  His hairstyle featured the signature curl of the Italy brothers on the right side of his head.  He was pale, thin and tall, with angry honey-colored eyes.  And his name was Lovino Vargas.  But Antonio loved to tease his cousin by calling him by his given nickname every chance he got, which only served to infuriate the short tempered Italian even more.

"Por favor, Lovi, I'm hungry!" Antonio whined, chuckling to himself.

"Then why don't you go find a tomato to shove down your throat, huh?  Who knows, maybe you'll choke to death!"

Antonio laughed.  "Oh please, you don't mean that," he said, stepping forward and patting his cousin's head.  Lovino swiped at his hand.  "You'd miss me too much."

"Miss you?" Lovino scoffed.  "Hell, I'll shove it down your throat for you, if you'd like."

"So, lo que hay para comer, Lovi?" Antonio asked him innocently.

"Why should I tell you, huh?"

"The sooner you tell me, the sooner I might leave," Antonio told the other man cheekily.  Lovino sighed, over-exaggeratedly.

"Fine.  I'm making chorizo pizza."

"Really?" Antonio started, "We just had pizza the day before yesterday!  Can't you make something else?"  Lovino fumed in front of him.

"I'm an Italian, you idiota!  I'm not making any of your shitty Spanish food, either!  My pizza's almost done."  Antonio gave a long sigh.

"Dios mio, está bein," he said, dejectedly.  In truth, he loved Lovino's cooking, and didn't care what he made.  He just really loved to mess with his cousin.

Lovino took the pot off of the fire and set it on the countertop.  He then began to roll some of the dough he had rolled led earlier.  After getting the crust of the pizza just right, he covered it in sauce front the pot, cheese, and chorizo before putting it in the oven above the fire.  Antonio watched as his cousin crossed his arms and closed his eyes, looking defiant.  The Spaniard knew what was coming next.  "Have you heard any word on Feliciano?"  Though Lovino looked calm on the outside, the tightness in his voice gave away just how much the question really hurt him inside.

Lovino and his younger brother, Feliciano, had been sent to live with Antonio and his family almost a year ago.  One night they had stopped, and set up their camp.  Lovino had been fast asleep when the bandits had come, and once they realized that the boys had nothing worth stealing, they had taken Feliciano hostage as a means to ensure their escape.  By the time Lovino had awoken and realized what was happening, it had been too late.  Feliciano and the bandits were gone, and Lovino had been left all alone with a heavy heart and a guilty conscience.  Everyday since he had arrived to the Carriedo's household, he asked if there had been news of his brother's whereabouts.  But despite a hefty reward that had been put out in exchange for information, there had been no sign of Feliciano Vargas anywhere.  Soon after, Lovino had been found by a paige of the palace, and escorted back.  He had been living there, and had not seen his brother since.

"No, mi amigo."  Antonio stared at the floor and Lovino let out the breath he had been holding in.  "Lo siento," the Spanish man added after a while.  Lovino shrugged off his apology with a brief wave of his hand.

"Va bene.  Non importa," he said deftly, raising a large, wooden pizza spatula over his shoulder, and thrusting it into the oven.  When he retracted it, it held the pizza.  Lovino put the pizza on the counter to cool, and placed the spatula back in it's place near the oven.  When the food had cooled enough, Lovino set at it with a knife, effortlessly cutting it into eight slices.  He blew the steam off of the sharp utensil, then stepped aside for Antonio.  "Here.  Enjoy."

"Gracias," Antonio said, taking a slice of the warm pizza in his hand.  He brought it to his lips and took a bite, making a small noise of approval directed at his cousin.  "Es delicioso! Muy bueno, Lovi,"

"That is not my name, tomato bastard!" Lovino shouted.  Antonio chuckled and continued eating.  He beckoned for Lovino to join him.  Reluctantly, the Italian agreed.  Together, they sat in silence and ate, finishing the entire pizza themselves.  When they had finished Lovino leaned back against the wall, watching Antonio.  His cousin looked distant, (which was normal for him, he was always spacing out) but he looked like he was actually deep in thought.  Interest aroused, Lovino addressed his cousin, pulling him away from his thoughts.  "If you're thinking about how to try and steal my tomatoes again, non pensarci più."

Antonio chuckled softly.  "No, I'm not thinking about that," he replied.

"Well, what then?"  Antonio sighed and looked up at Lovino.

"What's it like out there, Lovi?"

"Out where, idiota?"

"You know, out there!" he breathed.  "Outside of the palace grounds."

"Oh," Lovino said, caught off guard.  "Why do you want to know, great Prince of Spain?" Antonio's face gained a look of sadness.

"Padre forbids me to leave the palace grounds.  He says it's too dangerous for me.  I just want to experience it, you know?"  His eyes looked far off as he smiled dreamily.  "The buildings, the people, the culture, the chicas.  Oh, Lovino, the chicas!" He smiled up at his cousin, who responded by giving him a blank stare.  "And that's just during the day, amigo!  I can imagine the fiestas, and the music, and dancing; are they still doing flamenco?  All under the stars!  I just want to see it, to live it, one time."

"'I know I'm meant to be the next King of Spain, but I've been the prince all of my life.  Es aburrito after a while.  I want to see what it's like to live like a normal person."  His eyes were shinning as they stared into Lovino's honeyed ones.  "I just want to be un-royal for a while."

Lovino continued to stare at his cousin, mystified.  Most people would kill to be in his position.  Hell, with Antonio being so gullible and inexperienced to the outside world, no one would have to kill him.  He'd probably just trip on a pebble, or choke on a fly and that would be the end of the prince.  Lovino shook his head at the idea that began to form in his mind.  Oh, come on, give him a break, huh?  Just go out with him for a night, show him what it's like, and have him back.  Nobody will notice.

Antonio blushed and looked away when Lovino began to shake his head.  "Is it really that ridículo?"  He laughed, a weird cough of a laugh.  "Yeah, I guess you're right.  It's nothing but a stupid dream, no?"  Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder.

 "Toni," Lovino said, using Antonio's nickname. "You're right, it's stupid, and I am probably going to regret this later," Toni couldn't believe what he was hearing, "but tonight.  How about I take you out, and show you around a bit, huh?  But no princely shit, ok?  You have to act like a commoner and blend in with the crowds.  Deal?"  Lovino stuck his hand out towards his speechless cousin.  Antonio stared at it for a moment before grasping it and shaking it roughly.

"Sí, sí!  Gracias, mi amigo!  Gracias!"  Lovino clapped a hand over his mouth to silence the excited Spaniard. 

"Shut up, idiota!" Lovi hissed, looking around to see if anyone had overheard him.  When he saw the coast was clear, he continued, "Meet me in my room after everyone's gone to bed."  He saw the inquiring look on Toni's face and slapped the palm of his hand against his forehead.  "Seven.  Be there at seven." he said through gritted teeth.

Antonio hugged him, once again, speechless.  "And get the hell off of me, bastard!"

**Time Skip**

When the sun had finally faded from the sky, Antonio made his way to Lovino's room.  He quickly and quietly padded through the hallways to his cousins room.  Barely able to contain his excitement, he hurriedly rapped his knuckles on the heavy wooden door.  It swung open before him, revealing an agitated looking Lovino, who was glaring at his cousin.  The shorter man moved aside, letting Antonio in, and shut the door behind him after giving the halls a thorough once over.  He huffed over to his bed, muttering quietly to himself in Italian.  Lovino sank to his knees and pulled a large chest from under the bed.  Upon opening it, Antonio noticed that it was full of Lovino's clothes.  His uniforms for when he worked, his everyday attire, and the clothing he saved for special occasions where shoved into the trunk in a disorganized heap.  He dug through it, shifting the multiple fabrics aside as he looked for something.  He pulled out two sets of clothing, socks, and shoes, and placed them on his bed.

The first was a brownish-red shirt and a pair of tanned pants.  They were dirty, which struck Antonio as odd since they were placed in the same chest as Lovino's clean clothes.  Frays and patchwork covered the clothes, which resembled a pile of rags.  The second set of clothing was very similar to the first; tanned pants, and obvious signs of wear and tear.  The shirt, however, was a soft blue, and covered in holes and tears.  Strings unraveled from both garments.  Both sets of shoes were dingy and looked although they were ready to fall apart.  Antonio looked to his cousin for an explanation.  It was a while before Lovino managed to speak.

"These are mine," he said, pointing to the brown shirt and pants.  "These," he pointed to the blue shirt and pants, "these were...Feliciano's."  He seemed to choke out his brother's name.  He raised his head somberly, honeyed eyes shining in the torchlight.  "They're from over a year ago.  When we traveled, we often had to go through the woods, and these clothes got ruined.  They'll help us hide our identities among the crowds in town.  You can...use his."  Antonio stared at him for a moment, silent.  Lovino looked at him, and sighed angrily as he began to undress.  "You can put them on, or you can stay here.  It's your choice, idiota."

"Sí, sí, lo siento." Antonio told him, walking over to his bed.  Both men undressed and left their extravagant clothing on Lovino's bed in place of the worn-out rags that they had donned.  When they had finished, they both looked at each other, examining the others appearance.  Lovino's clothes fit him comfortably, and reminded Antonio of when his cousin had arrived last year.  Antonio's clothes were a little bit small; his shirt clinging to his chest, and his pants a bit short.  When he mentioned this, Lovino waved it off.

"It's fine.  You look poor, and that will be enough to disguise you."  The Italian walked over to his window, looking out of the glass, but still speaking to Antonio.  "When we go, you will stay close to me, bene?  Since you know so little about the outside life, you're going to need my help.  As long as you follow me, and let me do the talking, we should be fine.  Bene?"

"Bueno." Antonio responded eagerly.  Rolling his eyes and praying that his cousin wouldn't mess things up, Lovino pushed open his window and beckoned for Antonio.  They climbed outside, and disappeared into the night.

~Reader's P.O.V~

(y/n) wandered around town, looking for an open market.  Come on, anywhere is good, she thought, anxiously.  All I need are a few things.  She was desperate to purchase what she needed.  But, as it was, it was late, and very few businesses would be open that had what she needed, if any at all.  Not to mention, she was tired.  She had been taking care of her sick friend for almost five days now, and she hadn't thought about how little sleep she'd gotten over the last few days before she went out.  Well, I'm out now, and he needs some soup.  Finally, she spotted a vendor who seemed to be closing up shop.  "Espera!"  She hurried over to his stand.

"Buenos noches, señorita." he said, smiling brightly.  "Cómo puedo ayudarle?"

She returned his smile, softly.  Buenos noches, señor.  Tiene usted estas cosas?"  She held up a list of ingredients for him to examine.  He looked at it thoughtfully for a second then disappeared behind the counter.  He reappeared a few moments later carrying an armful of vegetables and herbs. He set them in a paper bag and placed them in front of her.

"Eso será € 15."  She nodded and handed the money to him.  "Gracias," he said, going back to packing up.

"Gracias.  Tener una buena noche!" she called, grabbing the bag and sprinting down the street.  She ran and took a turn that lead her into a quiet, dusty neighborhood.  (Y/n) held the bag close to her chest, and began to walk slower, looking around at the broken-down buildings, and rustic scenery around her.  The chores of today had finally been finished, and the townspeople were coming out to seize the night.  Within minutes, the narrow street was bustling with people.  Mothers were pulling their children along to find their fathers, the youths of the town hurried to find their friends, men and women were released from their work and sought to find a good ale or a haughty laugh with their companions.  Jovial music makers strummed from their guitars and sang merry tunes on the sidelines of the street.  (y/n) smiled to herself.  

Look at how happy everyone is.  We may live in the worst parts of this kingdom, but we make the best of it.  The royal family might have their castles, servants, and fancy food on their golden platters, she though, a bit bitterly, but were have everything that we need, and nothing we don't.  Our humility is our best asset.  It's made us who we are.  She was so lost in her thoughts that she failed to watch where she was going.  Her shoulder collided with a stranger's, and she fell backwards, dropping her bag.  She shook her head.  A hand appeared in front of her, and she accepted it, then was pulled to her feet.

"Lo siento," she said, steadying herself.

"Está bien," came a masculine reply.  (y/n) looked up at the stranger.  From his voice, height, and body type, he was obviously a male.  His tanned skin caught the light of several blazing torches quite nicely, and he wore a nice, easy-going smile, which seemed to be contagious.  She felt herself begin to smile as she looked into his gorgeous emerald eyes.  She realized that she was still grasping his hand and quickly withdrew her own, blushing slightly.  His leaned over, picked up the fallen produce and put it back in her bag, then stood and handed it to her.

"Gracias, señor," she said, accepting her bag.  When his arm retracted, she couldn't help but notice how small his shirt was on him.  Her blush darkened.  She looked down to hide it, and noticed how his ankles showed from beneath his pants.  (y/n) felt pity for him.  Aw, he's so poor, he can't even afford proper clothing.  As she continued to stare downward, an awkward silence developed between the two.

"Em, me llamo Antonio," he said abruptly.  Her eyes darted up to see him break into a wide grin, his bright eyes shining.  His hand was suddenly in front of her again.  She shook it shyly.

"M-me llamo (y/n).  Encantada." 

"Igualmente!" he said excitedly.  He acts like he's never met anyone new before, she thought.  "Tengo tantas preguntas para-"

"There you are, idiota!" came an angry yell.  They both watch as an angry brown-haired man came up and punched Antonio in the arm.

"Ow!" the taller man exclaimed.  "Why'd you do that for?"

"I told you not to wander off!  What would've happened if you'd gotten lost, dumbass?"

"Lovino I-"

"What if someone found out?"  The Spaniard floundered for words.  (y/n) giggled at them quietly.  Both men whipped around to face her.  Lovino's eyes went wide.  "Who the hell is the ragazza?"  Antonio smiled apologetically at her.

"This is (y/n)." he said simply.  Lovino's face went so red that it resembled a tomato.  He opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off.

"Me tengo que ir. Ciao!"  

"Ciao?" both men questioned in unison.  They looked at each other in surprise.  She smiled and ran off before they had time to speak again.  She kept going until she arrived at the run-down house she shared with her friend.  She opened the door, and walked in, kicking it closed behind her.  Immediately she was met with the scent of herbs and tomatoes.  Salsa and spaghetti sauce mingling together.  It was a perfect harmony of scents, of cultures, of lives.  "Feliciano, I'm home!" she called.

"Bella, it's nice to have you back," an Italian accent called.  (y/n) felt her heart swell, and she smiled.  There was no denying it, everything about her best friend made her feel better.

She had met Feliciano a little over a year ago.  She had been heading home from her job as a serving girl in a bar when a faint noise caught her attention.  She followed it to a deserted alley where she found Feliciano.  He was tucked into a defensive ball, crying.  When she touched his shoulder, he went into a fit of screaming and balling, begging her not to hurt him.  Her heart broke, and she tilted his face towards hers to get a good look at him.  She gasped.  There was a cut above his eye, and he had a split lip.  He held his left arm close to his body, and began to whimper when her fingers grazed it.  His entire body was covered in cuts and bruises.  When his brown eyes finally opened and looked up into hers, she saw how scared, hurt, and alone he was.  (y/n) helped him up and let him lean on her, then they made their way to her house.  She took care of him, and nursed him back to health.  They became of the best of friends during that time, and they had remained that way ever since.  They continued to live together, and they took care of each other.

(y/n) set her bag on the kitchen counter, and looked into the room where Feliciano was resting.  He was staring out the window with a look of longing.  She giggled.

"Ah, ah, ah, don't get any ideas."

"Ah, come on bella," he begged.

"No.  Bed rest for you, hun. But, I did stop and get some things while I was out..."

He looked at her, eyes wide.  "Paaaassssstttaaaaaaaa!?" he asked excitedly.  She smiled at her friend.

"Something like that."  She planned to make him a version of tomato soup that she had created in her head.  It was a little thicker, and just for the Italian, it contained pasta. She was sure that he would love it.  She got to work, chopping some herbs she'd bought, and opening a jar of canned tomatoes.  She combined them all in a pot she had above the fire, and stirred it slowly.  It took awhile, but eventually everything had fully cooked and was ready to be eaten.  She served it in a few bowls with spoons, and presented Feliciano with his dinner.  He looked at her curiously, and ate a spoonful of soup.  Almost instantly, a wide grin overtook his face and he beamed up at her.

"(y/n), this is fantastico!" the Italian exclaimed happily.  He began to devour his meal hungrily, finishing in mere minutes.  He set his bowl down on the table beside him, then placed his hand on his stomach, patting it contently.  "Tu sei un grande cuoco,"  She blushed a little.

"Grazie," she said, smiling.  She continued eating, her mind wandering from the present.  She thought back to what seemed like only minutes ago to the kind stranger and his angry companion.  Her smiled widened a bit, and laughed softly at the memory of Lovino's yelling and Antonio's apologetic smile.

"What's so funny bella?" Feliciano asked, peering over at her.

"Oh, nothing.  I was just thinking about something funny that happened in the marketplace today."  She swallowed another spoonful of soup.  "Oh, did I mention that I met another Italian there today, too?"  Feliciano immediately sat up on the couch, looking at her incredulously.

"You did?"

"Mmhmm," she said, absentmindedly.

"What did he look like?  How did he act?  Was he with anyone?"  (y/n) set her now empty bowl down next to his and looked over at her friend curiously.   

"Is my company really that terrible, Feli?" she questioned, laughing.  He looked at her, smiling, and rolled his eyes.

"No, bella, but what if...what if he was my fratello?"  She immediately stopped laughing and looked at the floor.  She knew the story of Feliciano and his brother.  Of how he had been kidnapped as they both slept, how his brother hadn't been able to help him, how his kidnappers had mercilessly beat him until he could barely move, then left him to die alone.  Then she had rescued him, brought him home, took care of him, and befriended him.  The story always broke her heart when she thought of the cruelty inflicted on her cheerful, kindhearted friend.

 "Oh, well, he was tall, with brown hair.  His eyes were the color of honey."  She thought hard.  "Em, his was really angry and he shouted everything he said.  And he was traveling with a Spanish man."  Feliciano was breathing excitedly.

"That sounds like my fratello!" he squealed excitedly.  "Do you know his name?  Or his friends'?"  She racked her brain for a moment.

"Sí, sí, the Italian was Lovino, and the Spaniard was Antonio.  Why?  Do you know-"

"That's my fratello and our cousin!"  Feliciano yelled happily.  "I knew that my big brother would find his way into town, but wow!  He found our cousin, too!  Oh, he's so smart!"

"Feli, it's only a possibility.  I can't be sure since I've only met them once and never seen them before."

"I know it's them!  I know it, bella. Wow!"

"Feli, you mentioned a cousin.  Who is he?"  Feliciano stopped talking and looked at her, then smiled warmly.

"Our cousin Toni is the Prince of Spain!"  She looked at him, then burst into laughter.  He looked (y/n) in confusion.  "What's so funny, (y/n)?"  She struggled to speak between fits of giggles.

"I can believe that we may have found your cousin today.  I mean honestly, how many Italians are just wandering across Spain?  But there is no way in hell that your cousin is the prince."  She saw the look on Feli's face and sobered up a little.  "Come on, Feli, it's just not possible.  You're not of royal blood.  You can't be related."  Feliciano looked away, a sad expression written across his face.

"Yes, I am," he said softly.  (y/n) looked at him, confused.  

"Feli?"  The Italian sighed.

"My fratello and I are the heirs to the thrones of Italy.  The Vargas brothers.  Since we were raised separately, my brother had been closer with our cousin in Spain, and acts a lot like him.  My parents think that I'm too much of a pushover, and wanted me to learn to be stronger like my big brother.  So we were sent to live with our cousin, Tonio.  But I got kidnapped, and brought here.  I guess that Lovino found someone to take him to our family."  He looked so sad.

"Well, if you are truly a prince, why didn't you go to the palace?"

"Because I was scared.  You told me about how the lower class are allowed to speak to my family, and I didn't know if they'd recognize me or not.  But then, we became friends, and I knew that you would be alone if I left. I didn't want you to be sad because of me after everything you've done."  He smiled sadly at her.  She felt herself crying at his consideration and sacrifice for her.

"Feli, why didn't you tell me?"  He cringed slightly.

"I was going to at first, yo prometo, but when I heard you talk about how much you disliked the upperclass, I-I got scared again.  You had always been so nice to me, and you're my best friend.  I didn't want you to hate me."  He looked away, ashamed.  (y/n) immediately went over to him and hugged him tightly.  He returned her embrace, and the two stayed that way for a while.  When they pulled apart, she clasped his shoulders and made him meet her eyes.  

"Feliciano, nothing could ever make me hate you.  You're my best friend and you always will be.  Yo prometo.  Tu. Es. Mi. Mejor. Amigo. Siempre."  She gave him a soft smile.

"Grazie, (y/n)."  He said, smiling back at her.

"De nada.  Now, since you're feeling better, how about we go out and look for them tomorrow?"


~Antonio's P.O.V.~

Antonio looked at his shocked cousin.  "Ciao?"  Lovino nodded.

"That's what the ragazza said."

"Isn't that an-"

"Italian goodbye?  Sì."

"But how did she know?  No one in my country speaks Italian.  The only two that do are you and your hermano."

"I know," Lovino answered, his jaw tight.  He looked up at Antonio.  He watched as the realization dawned on his cousin.

"You don't think-" the Spaniard began.

Lovino nodded again.  "Sì, I do.  That ragazza knows where my fratello is."  His fists clenched at his sides, and he kicked angrily at the ground.  "And we just lost her!  The only lead we've ever gotten just ran away.  Now we may never find him."  A stream of Italian curses left his mouth.  Antonio, however, had considered something different.

"Do you think she had anything to do the the kidnapping, Lovi?"  His cousin scoffed.

"I highly doubt it.  If anything, I bet she found him wandering around crying like an idiota and took him in."

"Oh.  You're probably right.  That does sound like cousin Feliciano." Antonio chuckled.  He looked up at the night sky.  "Let's not worry too much about it right now, eh?  We did come out here to explore, and we don't have too much longer to do it.  I know, let's to get a few drinks!"

"Absolutely not!" Lovino yelled.  "I'm not carrying a lightweight like you home."

Antonio nudged Lovino's side.  "You're the idiota, Lovi!  Didn't you see the way that girl was dressed?  She a serving girl.  Dios mio, you should pay more attention to the chicas instead of yelling at me all of the time."  The Spaniard grinned down at his cousins reddening face.

"She was obviously going home, bastard.  Didn't you see her bag?"  Antonio rolled his eyes.

"Claro, but I was busy looking into those pretty (e/c) eyes of hers.  Ella era muy bonita," he mused.  Lovino let out an exasperated sigh.

"Do I even need to say how off limits these ragazzas are?  You are the prince!" he hissed.  "You're supposed to marry a princesa!"  Antonio waved him off, and looked at him, a reckless glint in his eyes.

"Where's the fun in life without risk?"  Lovino slapped his palm to his forehead.

"Yeah, yeah, Romeo.  Let's go home."  Antonio began to immediately protest, but Lovino cut him off.  "Do you think I'm just going to drop a lead like this?  Normally, I'd keep going, but I don't want to risk getting back late and getting caught.  We'll come back tomorrow, earlier this time, and try to find the girl in one of the bars here."  Antonio's expression brightened.

"Si, and I will learn of this mysterious chica's identity!"  He flinched when he heard Lovino hit his forehead again.


The next morning, Antonio awoke and dressed in his clothes that one of his servants had set out for him.  He met Lovi in the kitchen for breakfast, and shared a casual morning conversation with him.  He was in a worse mood than usual after losing a lead on his brother and staying up so late last night, so Toni left and decided to go for a walk outside.  The last place he wanted to spend his day was cooped up inside of the palace after his previous evening.

As he walked the sunny path through the trees, his mind wandered to last night.  He couldn't say why, but he kept thinking of the strange girl.  Though he had only met her once, he was quite taken with her.  She had lovely (h/l), (h/c) hair, a beautiful, kind smile, dancing (e/c) eyes, and she looked so cute when she blushed.  He sighed,  I do not love her, he told himself sternly.  I've only met her once, and that was because I knocked her down.  Then Lovino came and probably scared her with his yelling.  His heart sunk a little.  But still, she was so pretty, and kind, and!  Snap out of it, Toni! You're the prince, remember?  Princesses?  He continued to go back and forth with himself for quite some time.  It seemed that the more he tried to convince his mind that it was stupid to fall for her, the more his heart fawned and doted on her.  His internal argument grew so loud in his mind that he almost missed the whisper that disappeared as quickly as it came.

I don't want la princesas.  I want her.  He knew that it wasn't good, but he couldn't deny that the more he thought of the girl, the more he longed to wrap his arms around her and press his lips to her own.  I must know her name.  He finished walking around, the new ambition of finding the girl's identity making him anxious for night to fall.  He spent the rest of the day wandering aimlessly around the palace, and eventually settled on hovering over Lovino's shoulder in the kitchen.  His cousin's bad mood seemed to have lifted a little, as he wasn't burning food anymore.  Instead, he was now making a batch of churros.  Antonio chuckled softly.

"What happened to not making any of my 'shitty Spanish food?'" he asked, flashing Lovino a grin.  The Italian glared at him.

"Shut it!"

"Make me," the Spaniard retorted.  Lovino rolled his eyes.  "That's what I tho-". Smack!  A ball of flour-covered dough hit his cheek, and white dust exploded all over him.  Toni looked up at his cousin, who was doubled over in laughter and clutching the counter for support.  His mouth fell slightly agape as he watched him.  Lovino never laughed like this, ever.  He was, as Antonio liked to say, a "tight-assed macaroni-lover with no sense of humor."  The complete opposite of his little brother.  Tonio felt a smile on his lips as he realized what he was seeing.  For the first time in his life, Lovi has hope.  Antonio burst into joyful laughter along with his cousin, and it wasn't long before both men were laughing at each other's difficulty to draw in breaths.  When they finally calmed down, they sat on the floor panting.  Toni's emerald eyes shimmered when he spoke.  "So, what's the plan for tonight?" 

Lovino drew in one of his legs to rest his elbow on.  "Well, we go out and start finding bars.  She's a serving girl, right?  So she's bound to be at one of them.  Once we find her, we'll ask her about my fratello, and hopefully she'll help us find him."

"And, what about afterward?" Antonio's cheeks tinted a light pink.  Lovino frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, after we find out what she knows, what then?"

"Nothing, we leave." Lovino responded simply.

"Oh," was Antonio's only reply.  He looked downcast.

"Why?" Lovino asked suspiciously.  He watched Toni's cheeks redden and sighed deeply.  "Toni, what did I tell you about the ragazzas?  You can't just-"

"I can't help it, Lovi," the Spaniard said quietly.  "I know that I've courted my fair share of princesses and ladies and all, but I've never liked them.  Their beauty is only painted on.  This chica though, she's...something else.  Something I can't explain.  Something new, and different, and wonderful!"  He met Lovino's eyes.

"You're infatuated, idiota.  That's all there is to it."  Antonio huffed.

"You know how you feel about your brother?  You love him for no reason at all, unconditionally, and would do anything for him no matter the consequence?"  Lovino stared silently.  "That's how I feel for this girl.  I know that I lust easily, but I don't just want her body, Lovi.  I want all of her, everyday, for the rest of my life."

Lovino stared at him for a moment, then sighed again.  "You don't even know her!  You're so stupid, Toni."  His cousin looked at him curiously.  "I guess, that if we find Feli...there may be some time for you to, eh...get familiar with this girl."  The flour-covered man gave his similar looking cousin a large grin.

"Thanks, Lovi.  This means a lot to me,". Lovino blushed noticeably.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up.  I'm not making promises, and it's not like I care for your interests or anything.  I'd just do anything to get rid of your voice constantly being in my ear."  Antonio chuckled.

"Whatever you say, cousin."

"Shut it, tomato bastard," Lovino said, smilingly slightly. The younger man stood and dusted himself off, then offered a hand to Antonio, who happily took it.  While the Spanish man beat the flour from his clothes, Lovino looked longingly toward the wall that stood between him and the outside world.  "Are you ready to head out, Toni?"  Antonio looked up.

"Sí, whenever you are."

"Well, we should go change now then.  The local day bars will be closing in an hour or so."  Antonio nodded.

"Claro. !Vamos¡"  He held the kitchen door open for his cousin, and the two men walked out.  They arrived to Lovino's room shortly, and made their way inside, locking the door behind them.  They dressed quickly and quietly.  This time, Antonio finished first, and was the first to disappear out of the window.  Lovino swiftly followed in suit, and soon both men were walking into town.  The sun was glowing a vibrant orange as it hung in the sky over the horizon, and cast long shadows over the ground below.  After wandering in the streets for a while, Antonio sighed loudly.

"We're never going to find her if you don't ask someone for help," he complained to his cousin, who was being uncharacteristically quiet.  Lovino sighed and turned to face him.

"Antonio, what's your main priority out here?"  The Spaniard gave him a puzzled look.  "I mean, what's your goal out here...with me?"

"To find Feli, claro!  Why do you ask Lovi?"

"All I've heard about for the last two days has been that girl.  I didn't know if you were forgetting our purpose here or what was going through that stupid head of yours."  Tonio smiled and put a reassuring hand on Lovino's shoulder.

"La familia es lo primero, Lovi," he said, smiling brightly.

"Bene," Lovino answered.  "Stay here, I'll be right back."  Antonio watched as his cousin ran off and started a hurried conversation with an older man.  After a few minutes, he came back looking fairly agitated.  "So, there are three day bars here, two of which are in that direction," he said pointing, "on that street and that one, and one is on the other side of town.  All of them close at the same time, at sunset."

"Well, we'd better get looking," Antonio called, taking off at a sprint down the closest street.  Lovino followed him, barely catching up.  

"Wait up!"

"Come on, Lovi, we don't have all day!" Antonio laughed.  They eventually came to the first establishment.  Lovino slipped inside and looked around, while Antonio asked the workers about the girl.  No one had seen her.  Soon the boys left, and the spent no time locating the next bar.  The sun had sunk lower in the sky, giving the world below a lovely shade of red.  The ran, panting, into the building and repeated the process.  Once, again, they got the same result.  The shared a concerned glance as they left.

"One more, all the way across town, too." Antonio said softly.

"Bene, I know.  There was never any guarantee that this would work when we came out here, anyways."

"Hey, lighten up," Toni said, nudging Lovino gently, "we're not done yet!"  Lovino laughed dejectedly.  "Lovi, I mean it.  We'll find him.  Tonight."

"Ok, ok, let's go."  After hurriedly locating the bar with the help of a few pedestrians, the stood in front of a run down shack of a building.  Antonio rubbed the back of his neck and cocked his head to the side to examine the building.

"Are you sure this is the place?" he whispered to his cousin.

"Sì, this is the place the man said."

"But this place isn't even as big as our dining room!"

"Keep your voice down, idiota!  And not everyone is a royal who eats his meals from gold platters in a dining room the size of a pasture, Tonio."

"Sheesh, Lovi, no need to be so harsh.  And don't act like I'm the only one.  I don't know why you choose to spend your time in that kitchen.  You're just as royal as me, and could do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted-"

"Shut up! Dio, do you understand me?  Stop talking!"

"Ok!  Dios mio! shall we go in?" Lovino sighed irritably.

"Sì, let's go." Antonio let himself in.  "I hope that we find you, fratello."  Lovino sighed again and entered the building after his cousin.  The interior of the building was much more inviting that the outside.  Candles and the light of the setting sun streaming through the windows gave the room a war, inviting atmosphere as patrons' conversations buzzed through the air.  A table near the wall erupted in laughter, and an elderly couple in the corner waved down a waitress.  The men watch as a tanned brunette came bustling from the kitchen and took an order for them before returning to the kitchen.

"Well, what are we waiting for Lovi?  Do you want patrons or servers?"

"Servers," Lovino answered immediately.  "If anyone's gonna be the one to find him, it's gonna be me."  Antonio shrugged his shoulders and made his way to an occupied table.  Lovino took a deep breath, and walked up to a girl who was talking to a fellow server.

"Em, excuse me?"  The girl turned around and smiled at him.

"Hola, can I help you?" she asked enthusiastically.  He fought to keep from rolling his eyes.

"Sì, em, I'm looking for a girl who might work her," he said.  The girls giggled.

"Oh, is that right, señor?  What's her name?"  Lovino blushed.

"I...I don't know, exactly," he said softer than he had intended, which embarrassed him more.  He felt his cheeks warming.  She put a hand on his shoulder, and he instinctively recoiled from her touch.  The girls laughed again.

"Poor thing, yeah I'll help you find her if I can.  What's she look like?"

"Em, I don't know...  That questions better for my cousin-"

"She's got (h/l), (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, (s/t) skin, and she's muy bonita." Antonio said, walking up and wrapping an arm around his cousin's shoulders.  Lovino cringed and ducked out of the embrace.  The girl looked at Antonio, then Lovino, then narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Which one of you wants her, exactly?"  Lovino's face was fiery now.

"B-both," said the flustered Italian.  "He," he jerked a thumb at Toni, "em, we need to talk to her."  The girl crossed her arms.  

"Vale, I'll be right back.  Stay here."  The girl and her friend disappeared into the kitchen.  Shortly after, a loud crash was heard, then a different girl came out.  She was wearing a simple server's dress and flat shoes.  Her (e/c) widened at the sight of the two men before her.

"Hola, how can I help you two?" she said nervously.

"It's ok, chica, we just want to talk.  Come, sit down with us." Antonio smiled, gesturing to a table.  Tonio and Lovino sat on one side, with the girl on the other.  She folded her hands in her lap and looked back and forth between the two men.

"What's this about?"

"My fratello," Lovino answered.  She gasped.

"You speak Italian?"

"Sì, it's my native language.  But a better question is, where did you learn it?"

"From a friend," she said slowly, watching their reactions.  They both watched her intently, attention focused.  Lovi was twitching his fingers anxiously.  "Why?"

"We think, that you may know my fratello,"

"We've been searching for him for quite some time now," Antonio added.

She looked at them skeptically.  "What did you say your names were?"

"I'm Antonio, and this is my cousin, Lovino."  Her eyes widened again.  She stood and grabbed Antonio, dragging him out of the bar.

"Isabel, I'm taking the rest of the day off!" she called as she exited with the surprised Spaniard in tow.  Lovino shook off his delayed reaction and followed quickly.  She lead them to a deserted alley, lit by the final, dying light of the sun.

"You guys are Feli's brother and cousin?" she said quietly.

"Sì, sì.  Why are we out here whispering?"  She looked at him crossly.

"Would you rather me scream that I'm standing here with the princes of Spain and Italy?  I can if you like," Lovino paled.

"How do you know about that?"

She shrugged.  "Feli told me.  I told him about when I first met you two, and he recognized you right away.  I promised to help reunite him with his family."

"Dio, he can't keep his mouth shut about anyth-" Lovi began.  The girl hit him in the shoulder.  "Hey!"

"Shut your mouth, idiota.  No one talks about Feliciano like that.  Not even his brother.  Got it?"  she glared at him.

"Sì, bene." he said curtly.

"So," Antonio began, "who might you be, bonita señorita?"  Her cheeks brightened a bit.

"I'm (f/n) (l/n)."  Antonio held out his hand, and she took it, expecting to shake his hand.  When his gentle lips touched her skin, she blushed deeper.  Lovino huffed over to the side.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again, (y/n), but please, can you take us to my fratello?  Please?"  The anxious, desperate tone of the Italian's voice snapped her attention away from his cousin, and she took back her hand, nodding.

"Sí, follow me." 

~Reader's P.O.V.~

Dios mio!  I can believe that I found them!  Feli's going to be so happy!  (y/n) lead them through the town, down narrow streets, and passages they would've otherwise overlooked if the they had been on their own.  She finally arrived at her house and let them in.  The net riot of the house was inviting, and immediately, the two men were met with the scents of tomatoes and garlic.  There was definitely an Italian present somewhere in the house.  The girl's home had dull, yellow stone walls and a few patched rugs in the entrances to rooms.  When the walked into the largest room, the living area, she put an arm out to stop them.

The room was large and comfortable, with blankets draped over the furniture, and the heat of the fire in the kitchen warming the room.  On the couch, was Feliciano.  (y/n) made a mental note that his hair was quite a few shade lighter than his kinsmen's.  She lowered her arm and stepped toward him, putting a hand on his shoulder and gently shaking him until he stirred.

"Ve?" he asked drowsily.

"Feli," she said, smiling kindly, "there are some visitors here for you."  The sleepy Italian looked toward the entrance to the room and his eyes widened when he realized who he was staring at.  He stood.

"F-fratello?  Cugino Tonio?" he said warily.

"Sì," Lovino answered, taking a step forward.  Antonio waved from behind him.

"Hola, primo.  Long time, no see, eh?" the Spaniard said, smiling.  Feliciano stood and stared at his brother and cousin as if he didn't believe that they were really there.  He look back at (y/n).  She smiled at him encouragingly.  Go on, she mouthed.  He looked back the anxious face of Lovino, and his cousin's carefree expression.  Suddenly, a wide grin covered Feliciano's face, his eyes big and shinning with happiness.

"Fratello!  I've missed you so much!" he shouted, running and jumping on his obviously startled brother.  He wrapped his arms around the elder Italians neck briefly before grabbing his hands and swinging his brother around the room.  Lovino did his best to escape the awkward dance of affection Feli had trapped him in, but it was no use until he was finished.

"Lovi, I-" Lovino suddenly pulled him into a tight embrace.  Feliciano's mouth hung open and his arms were limp at his sides as he stood there in shock.  Then he hugged Lovino blackly, just as tightly.  They stood there like that for several moments, reveling in their reunion.

"Group hug!" yelled Antonio, grabbing (y/n's) arm as he bounded over to the brothers.  They circled their arms around the men and she rested her head on Feli's back for a brief moment.  I actually did it.  Feli found his family.  He can be with them again now.  She was so happy that her friend had finally found his family again, and could go home, but at the same time, her heart grew heavier.  If he wants, he can go home now...and leave me here.  He can be the prince he was meant to be.  And I, I'm just a serving girl.  Why would he remember me?  She felt hot tears leak from her eyes, and closed them tightly.  No, stop that!  It doesn't matter.  He's still my best friend, and always will be, no matter what!  A gentle touch brushed her arm, and she looked up, her vision blurry.  Antonio looked down at her with a concerned expression.

"Are you ok, chica?" he asked gently.  She nodded quietly, afraid to speak.  He released his family and backed her away as well, brushing tears from her eyes.  "What's wrong?"

"I just, Feli and you, you all..."  She shook as she spoke, her emotions sending light tremors through her muscles.  "I don't want to lose mi mejor amigo," she said softly.  Toni gave her a sympathetic look, and hugged her tightly.  Her cheeks warmed as she blushed and hugged him back.  When he pulled away, his cheeks were red and he looked a bit eager.  He looked back at his cousins, who were watching them with interest.  He turned back around to face her.

"What didn't have to?" he questioned.  She looked at him, puzzled.

"What do you mean, Toni?" she blushed deeper, using his nickname.  Her heartbeat picked up slightly.  He took a deep breath, then cupped her hands in his own.

"Would you like to come back to the palace with me?"  Upon seeing the look of shock on her face, he hurriedly continued.  "You'll be mi bella princesa, and you'll have everything you've ever wanted.  Please, all you have to do is agree to be mine.  Por favor?"  Behind him, Lovino's jaw dropped and his face went red while Feliciano cheered quietly.

(y/n) looked at him in complete shock.  His princess?  You mean, he wanted to marry her?  Me?  But, but I'm just a commoner.  And, he's the prince!  Her heart fluttered a little in her chest.  She'd developed a small crush on the handsome Spaniard since they first met, but had refrained from mentioning it.  She thought it was nothing but a hopeless dream.  A lost cause.  But now...  "Do you mean it?" she asked him, looking up into his deep, emerald eyes.  His grin widened.

"Sí, sí, of course I do!  What do you say, mi querido?"  She smiled at him.

"Sí, it would be an honor-"  He swept her up in his arms, hugging her tightly.

"Don't sound so formal, mi amor!"  He yelled excitedly.  She laughed.

"Yes, I will marry you, Antonio!"  He twirled her around the room happily.

"Gracias!  Muchas gracias, (y/n)!  You've made me the happiest man in the world!"  He set her down and hugged her close to his body, his eyes shining as brightly as his smile.  "Te amo, (y/n)," he whispered, kissing her gently.  She wrapped his arms around her new fiancé's neck, and kissed him back lovingly.

"Te amo," she said, breaking away, and taking his hand in her own.  Their fingers intertwined, and Tonio gave her a heart-melting smile.

"Let's go home, shall we?" Antonio asked, leading (y/n) toward the door.  Feliciano linked his arm with hers and his brother's, dragging Lovino along with them.  He had been silent so far, his face turning a darker shade of red with each passing minute.  As they left the house and started along the street home, he seemed to finally find his voice.

"Idiotas!  Your parents are going to kill us all!" the eldest Italian yelled angrily.  Antonio chuckled and pulled (y/n) close to his side.  He smiled at her as she blushed and watched Feliciano dance around their group, picking flowers and singing to himself.

"Calm down, Lovi.  I'll be fine as long as I have you all here with me.  This is all I need."

"Dammit, that's not my name, idiota, tomato-loving bastardo!"
Nyeh, I'm so sorry that this took so long to get out.  It, um, was a lot longer than I intended/expected it to be.  But I think that the story within a story part worked itself out wonderfully.  Yay, for Feliciano, right?  Any who, happy late St. Valentine's Day, everyone.

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